“Are you going to get up?” That’s how it started…
So maybe I did skip some classes when I was attending Shepherd University (then college, which dates me). I mean, in my defense, some of those classes were at 8am… and we all know what parking is like for an 8am class! So, yeah, I skipped a few or more. My dad would call upstairs to try and wake me up. He started out with… “are you going to get up?” Then, as the months went on,he escalated to, “are you gonna pass your classes?” Eventually, “are you gonna graduate?” echoed up the stairs.
Well, I did pass (every class just for accuracy sake). And I did graduate. Only, he wasn’t here to see it.
My graduation gift from my mom was her engagement ring, I cried, and it was one of those ugly cries, with snot and a rudolph red nose. Of all the things he’s missed, my graduation was one of the ones that hurt just little bit extra. When she gave it to me, I was already married, and I was 8.5 months pregnant with hands as swollen as the incredible hulks. I packed it away in my jewelry case, and just a few days later, my beautiful daughter made her grand entrance. The date was June 4th, 2005, which is important to remember.
After many years, I ended up at Feagans Jewelers, ring in hand, seeking a new setting. Have you ever walked by Feagans Jewelers and just stopped to look in the window? It’s like looking into a scene of A Christmas Carol. There is so much history, it’s rich, it’s warm, it’s inviting. And that smell.That store has such a distinct smell. I don’t know what it is, but I would describe it as a hint of joy, wrapped in comfort, with a bow made of love. It hits you as you walk up to the windows, and welcomes you inside.
George welcomed me as I walked in that day. I do not recall a time when I have walked in and not seen George, with his kind smile and stories for days. I told him I was here to talk to Shane, so he went to grab him from the back. I sat down, the smell warming my heart, and the sparkly, pretty things catching my eyes. Shane and George emerged, and we said our hellos. I shared with Shane and George my story. I told them how this was a gift from my mom, and this size four ring was just a wee bit too tiny (okay, by wee I mean a lot, I didn’t inherit her skinny fingers). Shane couldn’t get over how perfect the diamond was as he inspected it. We talked about its specs, which meant really nothing to me. We talked about the fact that it was a Keepsake, and that used to really mean something in the diamond world. We talked about how my dad actually bought it here, at Feagans Jewelers, back in the 60’s.

That is when it got serious. “I bet it is in the book.” “Oh yeah, let’s check out the book.” I sat there, watching George and Shane banter back and forth about some book. Then, they started rustling around under the counter, and pulled out this old record book. I asked them what was in this book, and one of them responded with “the entry when your dad bought the ring.” I remember thinking this was really awesome, but, I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.
They asked me for a time frame, and started flipping through the pages. They asked for his name again, “Milt Cook,” I said, excitement building. “Oh here it is.”
And there it was. His signature. And the date. June 4th, 1963. Breezy’s Birthday. The rush of emotions I felt left me unsure as to what my lips spoke. I remember telling myself to keep it together. I probably scared Shane and George with my reaction, I may have actually stopped breathing for a moment. I took out my phone, and asked to please take a picture. I explained how important that date was to me, and how thankful I was that they took the time to share this with me.
There is something different about shopping local, about shopping at Feagans Jewelers. There is history in the air, comfort in the smells, and kindness in the human interactions.
You can’t get this experience anywhere else. I encourage you to check out Feagans Jewelers. Let George tell you a story, and wrap your gift just right. Let Shane make your daughter a ‘be kind’ bracelet, (I hear those are a hot ticket item this year). Let a memory be made, while you support such a wonderful shop in your town.